Apr 28, 2009 | Company News
Regina Phelps of Emergency Management and Safety Solutions, has set up a blog specifically addressing the current swine flu crisis and how companies should plan accordingly to maintain business continuity. The blog is available at...
Apr 28, 2009 | Company News
In an emergency meeting Monday, the World Health Organization upgraded the influenza pandemic alert phase to a Phase 4. Phase 4 is defined as a phase of sustained human-to-human transmission that can cause “community-level outbreaks,” so after the last few days, this...
Apr 27, 2009 | Company News
In the wake of the swine flu outbreak in the Mexico City area and the scattered cases of human swine flu infections in the United States, pandemic fears are certainly on the forefront of many people’s minds. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has called this a...
Mar 25, 2009 | Company News
As described in the last GraVoc news item, the company’s website was temporarily out of service, as a car hit a utility pole a few blocks from GraVoc’s Peabody, MA offices. The accident resulted in GraVoc’s T1 line going out of service thirty minutes into what was...